KS2 topics and units

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Specific period (please select): Ancient Greece, Ancient EgyptAnglo-SaxonsRomans, Shang Dynasty, Stone, Bronze & Iron AgeVikingsWW2, WWI,  

Don't forget to try your local museum, most of Hampshire's museums offer some curriculum related sessions, find them here:  https://hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk/culturaltrust-schools 

Groups/sites offering workshops for various periods/topics:

Butser Ancient Farm  http://www.butserancientfarm.co.uk/schools/

Creative History  http://www.creativehistory.co.uk/

History off the Page  http://www.historyoffthepage.co.uk/ 

Hooke Court, Beaminster Dorset http://www.hookecourt.co.uk/residential/programmes/history/

Hobgoblin Theatre Company  http://hobgoblintheatrecompany.co.uk/#/the-shows/4546008170 

Portals to the Past  http://portalstothepast.co.uk/key-stage-2/

Royal Armouries, Fort Nelson Learning | Royal Armouries

Ufton Court, nr Reading or Ufton on the road  Ufton History | Ufton Education (uftoncourt.org.uk)