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    Site news

    Book now to learn how to lead history successfully at KS1 and KS2 24-25

    by Hannah Richardson -

    A course designed for new primary history subject leaders and also for established subject leaders who would value updating their planning and teaching of history with regard to best practice and National Curriculum requirements for history.

    Available dates:

    6 November 2024
    12 November 2024 

    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Leading History Successfully

    Price: Sub £215 / SLA £85 / Full £258

    Don’t forget to sign up to our History secondary networks which are now live for booking on the Learning Zone

    by Hannah Richardson -

    You can book now for all sessions in 2024-25.

    Autumn date: 27 November 2024
    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: History Secondary Autumn
    Sub £55 / SLA £40 / Full £66 (Webinar)

    Spring date: 23 January 2025
    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: History Spring Webinar
    Sub £55 / SLA £40 / Full £66 (Webinar)

    Spring 2 date: 12 March 2025
    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: History Spring
    Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

    Please see here for more information about our secondary subject networks for 2024-25.

    Come and join us for the Secondary History Leadership Conference 2024 – 28 June 2024

    by Hannah Richardson -

    This conference brings together the best of national and local research and practice to provide invaluable professional development for history leaders, history teachers and SLT history line managers.

    Hear from national and local speakers. This year we are excited that our keynote speaker is Hannah Cusworth, an Educational Consultant who specialises in Black British histories. Formerly a schoolteacher, she is currently completing a PhD with English Heritage looking at race and the 18th Century Atlantic world and is part of the DfE model history curriculum expert panel. She is a well-known inspirational speaker at HA events. 

    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Secondary History Conference

    Price: Sub £320 / SLA £150 / Full £384

    Secondary History Leadership Conference 2024 flyer

    Don’t forget to book for History Subject knowledge enhancement for non-specialists 2024 (Key Stage 3 focus)

    by Hannah Richardson -

    Recruitment of high quality teaching staff presents a significant challenge for schools in Hampshire, as it does nationally. Our new subject knowledge enhancement course is for non-specialists, across all core and EBacc subjects, as well as RE.  

    This training will: 

    • Support those recently in post, as well as provide preparation support for those who may be taking up a new post in September 2024. 
    • Equip teachers with the knowledge and skills required to effectively deliver high quality lessons in the chosen subject. 
    • Focus on Key Stage 3 teaching principally, whilst offering the requisite level of skill and knowledge to facilitate further development towards the teaching of Key Stage 4 over time. 

    Participants will need some prior knowledge of the chosen subject. 


    Session 1 – 23 April 2024
    Session 2 – 21 May 2024
    Session 3 – 3 July 2024
    Session 4 – 12 September 2024
    Session 5 – 15 October 2024
    Session 6 – 21 January 2025

    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: non-specialists

    Price: Sub £780 / SLA £730 / Full £936  

    Subject knowledge enhancement for non-specialists 2024 (Key Stage 3 focus) flyer

    News from the Historical Association

    by History Administrator -

    The Historical association has published an interview with Tim Jenner unpicking the detail of the latest Ofsted subject report https://www.history.org.uk/primary/resource/10809/film-unpicking-the-ofsted-subject-report-for-hist.

    There are also three competitions available for Hampshire schools to be a part of:


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