Topic outline

  • The History Curriculum Centre is one of Hampshire’s four Curriculum Centres, all of which are partly funded via subscription.

    To purchase items from this catalogue please complete the order form.

    Please note: prices quoted apply to History Centre subscribing schools, non-subscribing schools will be charged an additional £35 per item. * VAT will be charged to non-Hampshire LA schools.

    To find out about subscription rates or to subscribe, please see Subscribe to History Curriculum Centre.

    To check your school’s subscription status, please contact the centre via email to:, or telephone 01962 874802.

    History publications available to purchase:  

    Primary history subject leader’s essential resources


    Desktop timelines

    Fourteen unit specific desktop timelines, one for each KS2 unit, plus a simpler version for KS1. For schools to copy, assemble (each comprises 2 pieces) and laminate to use year on year. Also includes KS2 Desktop Timeline Kits for assessing/prompting prior knowledge or children’s developing chronological framework.

    Code:H2026          Price:30

    Click here for the subscribed resource

    Guidance for primary history subject leaders

    Guides you through curriculum mapping, medium term planning, primary history age related expectations and enquiry based learning.

    Code:H2035 Price          £30

    Click here for the subscribed resource

    Subject knowledge for primary history teachers

    Important knowledge and ideas all primary teachers should consider before they teach any National Curriculum primary history topic or unit. Also includes links to other sources of information, topic specific vocabulary and more.

    Code:H2025            Price £30

    First steps into the past: learning about the past in the Early Years

    Addresses the new DfE requirement for learning about the past in the Early Years, through exploring the sort of activities that can guide the youngest children on their first steps into the past.

    Code:H2027            Price £25

    Click here for the subscribed resource




    History AREs

    Hampshire’s age related expectations for history from KS1 to KS3

    Code:H2024          Price:10

    History HITS 2

    Fabulous resource with 101 inspiring history teaching and learning strategies, ideas for where they might fit into an enquiry and exemplar resources.

    Code:H2001 Price:35

    British timeline timelines

    Printed product - Used in tandem, these timelines depict the flow of British and world history from 4100 BCE to beyond the present, allowing pupils to see the spans over which civilizations endured and overlaps and gaps between them. Length approx. 9m (31 feet)

    Code:H2021 Price:50

    World timeline

    Printed product - Used in tandem, these timelines depict the flow of British and world history from 4100 BCE to beyond the present, allowing pupils to see the spans over which civilizations endured and overlaps and gaps between them. Length approx. 9m (31 feet)

    Code:H2022 Price:50

    Early Years and KS1 enquiry packs

    Nursery rhyme

    Helps young children develop their ideas about the past via active learning relating to five well-known rhymes.

    Code:H1009 Price:£26

    Click here for the subscribed resource

    Within living memory: toys

    Enquires into toys, games and pastimes from children’s parents, carers, grandparents and friends childhoods.

    Code:H1007          Price:£26

    Click here for the subscribed resource

    Myself: how I have changed

    To help very young pupils explore their own past. Includes simple sources and ideas for using stories and role-play.

    Code:H1008          Price:£26

    Click here for the subscribed resource

    Castles and castle life

    Enquires into why castles were built and what living in one might have been like via engaging activities.

    Code:H1001         Price:£26

    Click here for the subscribed resource

    Key Stage 1 enquiry packs

    Gunpowder Plot

    Brief enquiry to examine the story of the plot, what today’s celebrations commemorate and whether it is right that Guy Fawkes is its most famous conspirator.

    Code:H1005 Price:£26

    The Great Fire of London

    Examines the causes and consequences of this event. Why did the fire do so much damage and what changed as a result?

    Code:H1003 Price:£26

    Queens: lives and times

    Enquires into the lives and times of Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II in order to explore the changes that occurred between their reigns, particularly in communication. Also examines the nature of ‘monarchy’ in a very simple way.

    Code:H1010          Price:£26

    Click here for the subscribed resource

    Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole

    Explores the lives and achievements of these inspirational women who both nursed soldiers in the Crimea and examines their significance at the time and since.

    Code:H1011 Price:£26



    Mary Anning: fossil finder

    Explores Mary’s life and discoveries through engaging practical activities. Then looks at why her work was not properly celebrated in her lifetime and how that is now changing.

    Code:H1005 Price:£26

    Moon to Mars

    Examines this famous event and its dangers via pictures and simple texts asking how it should be celebrated. R

    Code:H1002 Price:£26


    Dual KS1 and KS2 resources and enquiry packs



    Isambard Kingdom Brunel

    Examines Brunel’s life and work before exploring how interpretations of his achievements have changed over time.

    Also for KS2 local study

    Code:H1012 Price:£26

    Titanic: triumph or tragedy?

    Examines this past event which had a tragic local, national and international repercussions.

    Also for KS2 local study

    Code:H2002 Price:£26

    Key Stage 2 enquiry packs – British history


    Changes from the Neolithic to the Iron Age

    Explores life via engaging, practical activities to develop pupil’s understanding of the characteristic features of each period. Also examines how interpretation of limited finds is used to build a picture of such ancient periods.

    Code:H2000 Price:£26

    Roman Impact enquiry

    Explores the wide-ranging impact the Romans had. Pupils will consider what aspects of the Empire’s impact are most significant and how these lasted down the ages.

    Code:H2012 Price:£26

    Anglo-Saxons: the ruin of Britain?

    Six-step enquiry covering the NC requirements relating to the early part of this period, through engaging, practical activities and tasks. The enquiry also aims to develop pupil’s understanding of cause and consequence

    Code:H2004 Price:£26

    Alfred the Great enquiry

    This six-step enquiry asks pupils to decide if Alfred deserves the title Great after exploring aspects of Alfred’s life and reign and his fight to protect Wessex from the Vikings.

    Code:H2003 Price:£26




    Vikings: raiders or traders

    Pupils examine how negative interpretations of the Vikings arose. Can they balance this view by examining positive aspects like trading and exploration?

    Code:H2016 Price:£26

    KS2 thematic study: Changing power of the monarchy

    Why does parliament run the country not the queen? Pupils explore this question through four monarchs: King John, James I, Queen Anne and Queen Victoria, then draw their findings together in a final conclusive enquiry.

    Code:H2015 Price:£26


    Key Stage 2 enquiry packs


    An overview of the earliest civilizations

    Compares Ancient Sumer, Egypt, the Indus Valley and the Shang Dynasty (NC requirement). What achievements do they have in common? What does that tell us about ‘civilization’?

    Code:H2008 Price:£26

    Greek Legacy enquiry

    Looks at aspects of Greek culture, how they survived to still influence our lives today and via which societies. New activities cover Alexander the Great’s expansion of Greece and its influence.

    Code:H2009 Price:£26

    Earliest civilizations depth study: Ancient Sumer

    Brand new enquiry exploring the FIRST ever civilization but which many people know little about. Examines its many major World firsts (39 according to one historian) and explores why so few people know about it. Provides resources for pupils to examine aspects of everyday life and iconic objects such as the Royal Standard of Ur.

    Code:H2005 Price:£26

    Everyday life in Ancient Egypt Enquiry

    The everyday life enquiry explores daily life at different levels of society. It can be used in a depth study of this early civilization to see what sources tell us about Ancient Egyptian achievements.

    Code:H2073 Price:£26



    The afterlife in Ancient Egypt Enquiry

    The Afterlife enquiry looks at preparations Egyptians made to ensure they had an afterlife and the rich resource their tombs offer because of the wall paintings and artefacts they contain.

    Code:H2006 Price:£26

    Maya Enquiry

    Examines aspects of Mayan life to allow comparison to Saxon Britain at around 900CE and examines past interpretations of the Maya and new research which may change our understanding of them.

    Code:H2019 Price:£26

    A beacon of light in the dark ages: early Islamic civilization

    Explores innovations and learning in the Islamic world around 900CE and its preservation of Greek ideas and contrasts this to the lack of innovation in Britain and Christian Europe at the time.

    Code:H2017 Price:£26